»Update FanFic .
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Assalamualaikum ,Annyeong~ Aku . .da update FanFic .Jangan lupa tengok taw -.- LOL ._. http://thedreamcatcherstory.blogspot.com/ Episode 13 ,ekslusif --' kay ,bye xD
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»LOL ._.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Annyeong~Assalamualaikum ! setakat ni homework aku tak sentuh langsung --' cett :3 bukan tak sentuh ade lha sentuh jugak .LOL ._. sokay ,still have 2 days more .Actually ,aku tak tahu nak update ape ?aku main update jew benda alah nii -.-' Abah da ada kat rumah .hee~abah cakap 22 haribulan pergi balik hospital nak check .harap-2 takde pape .Aku tak tahu apa aku punya feeling time cuti sekolah ni LOL --' and aku rasa aku and abang aku makin rapat kodd :/ yeah~pergi tuisyen anta aku ,dengar lagu k-pop padahal die tak minat --' , download game untuk aku *cett ,padahal nak join sekali .nak dengar cerita tak ? Malam semalam macam biasa aku kene pergi tuisyen .Biasanya ,abah aku yang hantar sebab abah aku tade dia lha yang kena hantar .Pastu semalam kan hujan ,then mak aku plak suruh beli tom yam kat kedai -,- sebelum kuar umah mak aku suruh abang aku bawak baju hujan pastu abang aku taknak ,aku pun tak suruh dia bawak --' mana aci !kalau aku kene air hujan dia pun wajib kena .haha :D kuar jew dari blok hujan gila lebat babeng .tak lebat mana pun . Pastu ,abang aku cakap 'kalau macam ni aku balik dari beli tom yam lencun lha alamatnya' aku cakap lha tadi mak suruh bawak baju hujan tanak .*padahal aku pun tak kasi dia bawak pastu dia cakap 'taknak aku' LOL ,
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»Alhamdulillah :")
Thursday, 15 March 2012
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Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Assalamualaikum~Annyeong ! hihi :D aku nak cakap . .nak cakap . . Kamsahamnida ! *bow banyak kali ._.* nak taw kenapa semalam pecah record .cehh~pecah record --' semalam The Dream Catcher Episode 12 sebanyak 35 kali orang baca .satu pencapaian yang membanggakan aku .LOL -.- serious weyh .sebelum ni ,orang baca fanfic aku dalam 19 macam tu .Haishh~tapi tak taw bila lagi cerita tu nak ending --' kay ,nanti aku update .Siapa semalam tengok Vanilla Coklat ?angkat hidung :D aww~so sweet .tapi ,ending dia macam tak best jew .Entah ?aku pun rasa tak taw kenapa ending dia macam tak perfect .Homework aku tak taw nak buat bila ?haishh~rasa malas gila nak buat homework --'
>Modul for all subject
>Sejarah : Kerja kursus
>Entah aku da lupa --' LOL tapi yang pasti banyak .
Ouh ,lupa pulak .Yoseob and Eunji ada lagu baru .hewhew ^^ so sweet .Jangan Lupa tengok taw .
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»Update :)
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Annyeong~Assalamualaikum ! hye . saya da update fanfic .sila lha tengok :D punya lah aku try sampai otak aku nak tercabut .LOL ._. nanti aku bagi link korang tengok jew lah .http://thedreamcatcherstory.blogspot.com/ kay ,bye --' eh ,mak aku cakap esok satu kawasan selangor takde air ?jinjjayo ?macam mana aku nak mandi .haha :D yang tak bole blah ,mak aku da isi air 6 baldi air untuk mandi ang yang lain air untuk minum -.-
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»Tajuk ? :/
Monday, 12 March 2012
Assalamualaikum~Annyeong ! wassup takyah nak wassup-wassup sangat lha kan -.- kay ,abah masuk hospital .Abah aku da masuk hospital and tak taw bila nak kena bedah .Pagi tadi bapak aku pegi Hospital Sungai Buloh and doktor tahan abah kat wad .ingatkan nak melawat jap lagi .tapi takde sape nak hantar . insyaallah~esok aku pegi melawat dengan cousin aku kodd --' esok cousin aku datang dengan bapak dia and join sekali gi hospital .harap sangat jadi .kay ,aku nak tukar tittle blog da .say goodbye for gambar B2ST .aku ingatkan kejap lagi aku nak update fanfic .semalam ingatkan nak update fanfic ,tapi tetibe otak aku da takde idea .aku perah-2 tak boleh jugak --' haha :D kay ,lha aku nak gy update fanfic .
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»New :')
Sunday, 11 March 2012
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Takde motif letak gambar besar-2 -.-' |
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»Update :')
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Assalamualaikum~Annyeong ! :3 hari nii aku malas nak cite apa yang terjadi kat sekolah hari nii -.- serious ! Math aku dapat
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»New Collaboration xD
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Assalamualaikum~Annyeong ! *bow* Alhamdulillah tadi exam Agama aku boleh jawab dengan tersenyum --' kay ,talking about new collaboration .Waa~so EXCITED bila denga benda alah tuu -.- nak taw tak kenapa .nanti ada new collaboration just like Trouble Maker .Guess who will be collab .ASDFGHJKL susah nak cakap my Yoseob oppa ! and Eunji A-pink :) both of them my bias ! hewhew xD can't wait !! i think new collab will be powerful voice .well~Yoseob is the powerful voice in B2ST as well as Eunji A-Pink too :D kay ,tengah imagine kalau diorang together .aww~sooo cute :D Trouble Maker SEXY .And how bout Yoseob and Eunji it must be CUTE xD
Earlier today, A Pink‘s agency A-Cube tweeted the above picture of two artists hanging out together. The picture is causing quite the stir among fans, as it features two famous idols looking friendly with Yoseob looking at her with a gentle expression on his face.
But not to worry, for those B2ST and A Pink fans out there! It seems like the two have gotten together to work on perhaps an upcoming collaboration, for the two groups have a history working with each other. B2ST’s agency, Cube Entertainment, and A Pink‘s A-Cube agency have a very close relationship, and the two idol groups worked together on CFs as well as performances on stage. In fact, some of the A Pink members have spent their trainee days at Cube Entertainment.
With all that said, it seems like the picture will bring a lot of attention to the two idols and whatever they’re working on together.
Source : Allkpop
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»Exam -.-
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Assalamualaikum !Annyeong~ da 2 hari aku exam .Alhamdulillah ,senang ..lah jugak --' .first day exam , BM ,Math ,Sej .huh -.- actually math senang sebenarnya ,tapi aku tak taw formula dia jew .kalau aku taw dah lama aku siap awal and math aku tinggal satu -,- yang pasal linear ape kejadah ntah ? sejarah ,erm~not bad lha .soalan dia banyak kuar form 1 jew dohh !da lha aku tak baca form 1 punye .untunglha ada soalan form 3 punye .yang form 3 punye aku hafal .harap dapat B :) hari ni plak aku exam BI ,SC ,Geo .huh~BI banyak kuar soalan poem jew .apa lagi taram lha .LOL --' SC alhamdulillah sume soalan yang kuar sume aku boleh jawab dengan pantas and sempat
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